Wrestle in the Desert


Come to me and I will give you rest. Come to me with every care and worry. Are you afraid to wrestle with me in the desert? Are you afraid I won't answer you? For all I desire is intimacy with you. I desire your questions, thoughts and uncertainties to be laid on the table of our communion. I have given you reason, so that we could reason together. Your thought process and my good intentions meeting in beautiful discovery. Come to me. Don't fear the wonder of conversation with me. I want all of you, all of your thoughts. Don't fear what you don't know or can't explain. For the mysteries will be revealed in our secret place. They will be revealed in the comfort of my arms, the shadow of my wings and even as we wrestle in the dirt. Come to me. Be loved, transformed and adored by me. You are my delight.


Photo by Patrick Hendry 

Photo by Patrick Hendry 


Everyone wants to eat the richest of fruits. Only some will tend to their garden for the hope of what's not seen. It's easy to plant a seed with an expectant heart. But, as the elements batter your fragile sprout will it withstand what's not expected. Will you stay to cultivate what you've been given? For what has been freely given to us, is ours to steward.

With chaos all around, will you take your eyes off the seed you've planted? In only a moment the thief can pluck it out of its safe haven.

We are called to the harvest. First though, we are called to sew and tend to growing roots of intimacy with the life giver.  As your roots grow so does the potential for a harvest of rich fruit. Fruit that can feed others out of abundance. Don't only plant your seed, but tend to it day and night with expectancy of what's to come. Abundance from intimacy.



Shifting Sand

Shifting sand beneath your feet. You can't seem to get grounded. Each move you make you sink deeper into the depths of the earth. You strategize your recovery, you believe you  can out wit the shifting ground. Soon you realize the magnitude of what you are up against. No strategy, structured plan or organized escape will be able to pull you out of what you can't control.

There is only One that stands anchored in the shifting sand. Hand stretched out, the miracle maker does have a sovereign plan for you. For supernatural strategy will be released upon your life. Resources will be manifest and the solid ground will rise to meet you. It's not by your power but by His that you find yourself steadfast and anchored in the shifting sand.

A. Rich, Author and lover of Jesus 


Pastors Robert & Susan Rampi Celebration


40 Year in Ministy

Pastors Bob & Sue Rampi

October of 2017 marks Pastors Bob & Sue's 40th Anniversary in Ministry!!!


As the founders and apostolic leaders of Isaiah 61 Ministries – we want to corporately honor their steadfast servant leadership. They don’t know we are doing this… so please keep this quiet. We would like to honor them with a little get-away either up north at a cabin fishing or if we get enough supporting partners - their dream trip to go on a cruise to Greece. If you would like to sow into this honoring occasion please donate to Isaiah 61 Ministries-Pastor Appreciation Gift.


You can send checks to:

Isaiah 61 Ministries

4919 Winchester Lane

Brooklyn Center, MN 55429


or give online at www.MyIsaiah61.com. Be sure and designate your gift as “Pastor Appreciation Fund.”


Also, we are planning a celebration on October 29 at 5:30pm. Please join us for desserts to celebrate Pastors Robert & Susan.

#myisaiah61 #40yearsfaithful

Heart of Surrender By Mia Lambertz

Lately the Lord has been asking me to surrender everything (again). I thought I had gotten pretty good at living my life surrendered to him. I have given him my marriage, my kids (very difficult for me), my present, my future and every day I choose to let his voice be louder than my own. I choose every day to lay my worries and concerns at his feet. When I look at his feet they are so large and my worries are so small (like ants that he steps on).  But somewhere along the way I have picked up these nagging thoughts of worry. They include but are not limited to the following: What if’s? Will it work out? How will we do that? When will we do that? Are you kidding! How am I going to do that?  I am full of questions and questions are really good. I know that the Father loves to hear questions from his kids. Sometimes I see his face when I ask questions and it shines so bright with love. It is as if the Father’s eyes are saying “Give it back to me because I want all of it and I love so much”. But when those questions become torment then the questions have crossed a line in the sand. Now the enemy has turned your nature of concern and worry into a weapon to use against you.  This is the point that we need to lay them at his feet, give them back to the one that cares more about our concerns then we do.  In Hebrew the word for surrender is magan (maw-gan') and this means to deliver up.  God is asking us to deliver up our concerns and worry. For me this has been a process, a process of me learning to break off the lies of torment and lay them at the Father’s loving feet.

Here are some things that helped me work on my heart of surrender.

·       I ask the Father to show me when concerns or worry become torment.

·       I pray “Lord I give you my concerns, I lay them at your feet. I know that you love me and you will guard and protect me”.

·       Remember we are walking with the Father, he is not walking in front of us or behind us, and he is walking right beside you. He cares and loves you; you are the jewel in his eyes. You are the son or daughter that brings him overwhelming joy and love.